…the Joy of the LORD is Your Strength. ~~Nehemiah 8:10

ornaments --Neh 8 10

“…the joy of the Lord is your strength…”

Nehemiah 8:10

These lovely ornaments, captured in the early morning sunlight are a delight to the eye–but oh, so fragile!  Made of paper-thin glass, it takes very little for them to break.  In fact, the gold heart actually is broken–you may just be able to detect it in the top left corner……but in their fragile delicateness, they illustrate the point of this passage!

Even when we adamantly insist that it isn’t so–we human beings are fragile creatures!

We get tired; discouraged; sometimes our bodies become sick; or our hearts are bruised and broken……

God understands that about us!  He understands everything about us!

But He invites us to draw near to Him, and when we do, He is the source–for strength–for hope–for healing–for peace, for purpose–for joy!

What a wonderful God He is!

Here are some passages if you’d like to study further: James 4:8; Psalm 19:14; Psalm 31:24; Psalm 31:4; Micah 6:8; Psalm 51:10-12



GOD is My Salvation

My Summer’s Sunflower Story

It was a hard year to be a sunflower! 

Usually–a seed is something bursting with life…and so full of promises…and possibilities that we enthusiastically look forward to its fruition, whether it be in the fragrance of its beautiful flower, or the juicy flavour of its vegetable or fruit at maturity! But–when it’s life is threatened, it’s a sad day! From blight to drought, to pollution, and unkind farming practices, sunflowers of my acquaintance took a lot of hits this past summer. And for another menacing reason, we had our own personal sunflower saga of loss….

Earlier in the year, I’d planted seeds in special seeding trays, of what were to become nine-foot tall sunflowers! Can you just imagine how they would have (should have) looked—9 feet worth of happy sunshine, embodied in those happy faces?! The seedlings took off so well–and my hopes were high–maybe 9 feet high…

…because, years earlier, I’d read of an idea for creating a sunflower house–with sunflower walls and accompanying climbing, entwining vines that would strengthen, decorate and support the sunflower house, while being supported themselves. It sounded like a delightful idea, so I’d tucked the idea away for “someday”! So this was the year! I had the seeds, and the time to make it happen–the “someday” was here! Specifically, I wanted to build the sunflower house for our grandchildren, to bring them delight, and introduce them to the joys and responsibilities of gardening, and enjoying the fruits of their labour.  It was my first try—house-building with sunflowers, that is.

To form each of the walls, the kids and I carefully dug up sod from the lawn, creating shallow trench-like beds to plant our sunflower seedling babies, and tucked them into the soil ever so gently.  It was a joy watching the youngest so carefully pat the soft soil around the growing plants, tucking them into bed just as if they were little babies. The oldest carried away the sod with a twist of disgust on her face at the dirty job–while her sister happily watered the growing area. Such fun!

Next, morning glories and climbing beans were planted, cozied right up next to the sunflower babies, to climb and intertwine.  And we left the grass in the center of the beds, so the children would have a grassy floor inside their house…and mini lights were purchased to string between the sunflower stalks for when they were large enough…and oh, what a magical place I had planned for the children! But it never happened…

And that’s when everything went “califunkle”—all wrong, all messed up, out of order, and mixed up!  (I know, that’s not a word—but it is now!  I made it up when writing this piece—and I liked the very sound of it, which seemed to express its definition so well…so I added it to my pc dictionary. Lol!  You’re welcome to do the same thing if you’d like!  Maybe we can start a trend.  After all, someone else got to make up words—so can’t we do the same thing when we can’t find a word to effectively express what we’re trying to say?!  I think so! But, I digress…)

You’re now wondering why everything went califunkle? Because: the rabbit arrived!  Yes, I know that I have to share with the critters sometimes, and when he ate one of the little sunflowers, I looked the other way…but when the rabbit ate another three stalks, I wasn’t impressed.  Yet, as the stems continued to grow and toughen, naively I thought the rabbit was finished with his snacking, and being busy, I let that go, too. 

Can you imagine my horror when I found he’d chewed off almost half of the plants—and didn’t even bother to eat most of them?!  He just chewed them off, several inches from the ground, and let the stalks fall! Did he yell, “Timber!”? I don’t know for sure because he was so sneaky that he made his attacks when I wasn’t around! At the very least, he could have offset his damage by actually eating the plants instead of just wasting them–letting their lives and deaths be of no value. So, you can be sure–up went a fence to protect the straggling sunflowers! Still, somehow, he managed to wriggle his teeth close enough to the sunflowers to continue his alfresco dining.  Well! Next came strips of garden spikes from the store, set just outside the fencing…and that seemed to stop him.  Whew! 

As the remaining plants grew, however, there was another enemy threatening, and I didn’t even know it!  Doesn’t that sound like the way satan, too, operates—so destructive, but so sly about it, and almost invisible?  Doing his vile work undercover?  I came outside one day to find sunflower stalks cleanly severed, as if by a knife, and laying on the ground!  Again! But it wasn’t the rabbit. It looked like it may have been the work of a cut worm of sorts.  Regardless of who did it, I mourned the destruction of the kids’ amazing sunflower house that never happened…all of that hoping and effort had been for nothing! 

There would be no wonderful sunflower walls, entwined by blooms of morning glories or climbing bean vines ready to be picked! No string of lights hanging from sturdy stalks overhead…no story times and cookies sitting on the grassy carpet inside…it was just…all…over. I thought…

But I was wrong! And I really love being wrong at times like this!

When even more weeks passed by, I noticed a new little sunflower head showing off! You can be sure I was delighted when I found it had actually grown out from one of the little stalks the rabbit chewed off, when he’d left only inches of it above the ground—and even without leaves to power it, the little plant had engineered a new stalk for itself that pushed on up, out of the side…and it was determined to do it’s job to produce a sunny flower face!  And it did! And then? There was another one…and another!  Stalks that had been shaved clean off, and that sat for the longest time doing nothing, so it seemed, suddenly sent out new stems—crowned with flowers!

What an amazing illustration of grace that is!  To see the initial losses–all of them!–and then to see the plants’ struggles to regain themselves, to reinvent–and redirect themselves, again–was marvelous!  And not only is that beautiful in nature, I know it can be that way for us too!  Truly!

In so, so many ways, we can be bruised, damaged, struck down and nearly destroyed! The pain and the loss are real–and dreadful! And we can wonder if it’s worth the effort to try again! Oh, but it is–with God! If we’ll co-operate with the power and love of the very same Creator, the One Who taught those sunflowers to compensate and redirect their efforts for success, He can strengthen us with amazing new life too…and purpose…and hope…and beauty and joy!!

“Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid.  The LORD, the LORD, is my strength

and my song; he has become my salvation.” – Isaiah 12:2

Jesus  declared:“In this world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33.

“In this world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” -John 16:33

How is this possible? God’s instructions are readily available to us! All we have to do is read His life-giving word, and pray for His guidance and wisdom, determined to be obedient to His truths found in the Bible–to discover the beauty of His love, and His grace, and His plan for our souls–and our lives!

Here are some life-filled passages I encourage you to please consider for further study–telling of God’s amazing love for us and His powerfully immense grace; of His indescribable gift through Jesus and His offer to save those who will believe, come to Him, and obey His conditions, being baptized to receive the adoption and new life that He wants to extend to each one of us!
Ephesians 2:4-10; John 3:1-21; Romans 6:1-8; Galatians 3:26-29; 2 Corinthians 5:17.

Thinking of you on this challenging and, sometimes, painful, journey of life…and earnestly hoping that you’ll allow the loving Lord to work in you, causing you to bloom and grow with so much beauty, and all to His glory!

With hugs and love,


HOPE in the LORD! Psalm 31:23-24

Hello dear ones—

Do you sometimes feel like HOPE is in short supply these days? 

With all the turmoil…terrifying news stories of sickness…and political unrest…upheavals…fear-mongering…and contradicting information…

Do you feel like your heart just can’t take much more?  You’re not alone…the same is felt by so many.

So…who has the answers…what is the solution in all this mess?  Believe me…humans cannot, and never will be able to “fix” all of these problems…


…..there is Someone so far greater than all the pain and heartache we’re witnessing or experiencing personally—Someone so awesome, loving, holy, and worthy of our respect and praise—Who longs to comfort us in these terrible times…truly!…Someone Who longs to give us HOPE!

Please notice these HOPE-filled words from Psalm 31:23-24:

“Oh, love the LORD, all you His saints!

For the LORD preserves the faithful,

And fully repays the proud person.

Be of good courage,

And He shall strengthen your heart,

All you who hope in the LORD.

Notice in the above text, the call to LOVE the LORD….for GOD:

1. “preserves the faithful”. 

How wonderful!  “Preserve”, from the Hebrew text, means to guard, protect, maintain.  Isn’t that exactly what we desire—need—and long for?  Amazing!  And did you notice who is preserved?  The text says it is the faithful who are preserved—those who are faithful to the LORD: those who trust and believe Him!  That can be us—if we choose. 

2. God “fully repays the proud person”.

“Repay” means to reciprocate…so God will fully reciprocate the proud (arrogant, haughty person) for his wicked ways!

It sounds like God will settle the score, doesn’t it? 

We can trust Him! 

All the injustices will be dealt with and punished by the One Who has the supreme authority and power to do so.  We sure want/need to be on His team then, don’t we?!

The second half of our text is so HOPE-filled!  We’re looking for…searching for…hungering for HOPE? 

HOPE is a choice we can make! 

Please notice it with me:

Be of good courage,

And He shall strengthen your heart,

All you who hope in the LORD.

Those who “HOPE in the LORD”, by definition, are those who patiently wait, and trust in Him!  Do we HOPE in the LORD like that…trusting…and patiently waiting on Him?

These are the persons that GOD invites to “be of good courage”, carrying the meaning: to seize, be strong, courageous, strengthen, conquer…


God gives the reason we can be of “good courage” and “HOPE in the LORD”—because the awesome, loving and mighty God is the One Who “will STRENGTHEN” our hearts!

When He is our HOPE—and our FOCUS—in all of the troubles that threaten to overwhelm us, He will “strengthen” our hearts—causing us to be “alert in courage, steadfastly minded, stronger, established, confirmed”! Strengthened hearts in times of trouble–and hearts full of HOPE, because we choose to have our hope anchored in Him–are just what our spirits need! Such a HOPE will NOT disappoint!

We can’t help but love and trust the Father in heaven—Who deeply cares about our well-being now—and for eternity!  It really matters to Him!

                 And He has paid the price in love, to prove it!

Included below is the print-ready graphic with this hope-filled passage, in case you would like to make a hope-filled collage to frame for yourself, or…as a gift, to share this encouraging Bible text with someone who’s heart could use a hug.

Here are the construction instructions:

1.  Your background page can be anything of interest to you: a piece of scrap-booking paper; a newspaper page, an old map, a photo-copy of an old letter or book page; a scrap of pretty wallpaper or fabric, or if you’d like, you can print a copy of this watercolour painting from a previous blog post:  https://heartinspirations.ca/2013/02/10/my-heart-stands-in-awe-of-your-word/ You’ll want to size it to fit your frame…or…make it just a little larger than your mat size, if using one.

2.  Next, print the passage, on the sheerest paper you have…which should allow a little of the background to show through.  I used a “parchment” type paper.  (Be sure the sheer paper is safe to put through your printer though—you don’t want to create a paper jam if it’s too thin!)  If you don’t have any sheer paper, don’t worry.  Just pick something that co-ordinates with the colour of your background paper.  I have the passage print-ready for you (below), measuring at just a little narrower than 4 inches.  You can adjust it to fit your background paper size.  Once printed, you may cut the edges to trim it to your desired shape and size, or for more interest, you can simply tear the edges.  You’ll want to glue this lightly to the background sheet…but not until you play around with the placement of your embellishments, to get it right.

3.  Now have fun gluing on scraps of vintage lace, ribbon, buttons or other embellishments, to dress up your page.  Use your imagination!  Wait for the glue to dry, then mat or frame.  Now you’re ready to enjoy this hope-filled reminder from Psalm 31!

Sending hugs and warm wishes to you, encouraging you to choose to “HOPE in the LORD”!



In Your Presence is Fullness of Joy


We sat at the river’s edge…celebrating and savoring the last autumn day of gentle weather before the snow would begin to fall…and it seemed that all of nature sensed how special the day was, too.  The remaining leaves literally glowed as they fluttered in the soft wind…the minnows made quite a display, jumping up out of the water just in front of us…and the gulls swooped and soared overhead…no-doubt trying to nab some minnow sushi for dinner .

And as the sun dipped to the horizon, it was beautiful–just BEAUTIFUL!–this picture is authentically what we saw.   The golden hues reflected in the passing waters fashioned a gorgeous scene…created as only the Master Artist himself could do!!

As breath-taking as we may find beauty here and now, there’s just no way that it can ever hold a candle to the delight, beauty and breath-taking splendor of being in the presence of the wonderful God in heaven one day…where the streets are paved in gold, and the tree of life stands, where a rainbow surrounds the throne of God Himself….

….and He is there!

That amazing place is prepared for those who will seek the LORD…love Him…and obey Him, walking closely to Him!

Is that you?

That presence of God is something we can prepare for…long for, and look forward to…someday…if we choose…

But in great contrast, right now, we get really tired and weary at times, living here on this earth: with its demands, stresses, griefs, betrayals, disappointments, sickness, death….you know what I mean…you experience it all too often, right?

So…where is JOY?  How does one manage all of that?  Truly manage?  Wading through all the challenges and messes of everyday life?  In victory and celebration?  Is that even possible?

Of ourselves…it is NOT!

But we don’t need to do it alone!

Here is Jesus’ invitation to you and me:
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

Matthew 11:28-30

Until a time when heaven can be our home, we can enjoy rest and relief in the presence, and beside, the LORD!  He wants to be right there with us!  Through it all!  Did you notice it?

He invites: “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me…”  Could there be a kinder Master or dearer Teacher?  Delve into His word, the Bible, and be instructed, nourished, refreshed and rested!

He promises, “My yoke is easy and My burden is light…”  Jesus is offering to help us actually bear the load of life…easing the burden…pulling the weight with us!  Right there–beside us!  All the way!  Helping us deal with it all–if we’ll let Him!  Turn to Him in prayer–pouring your heart and concerns to Him!  He is able!

Talk about JOY!  FULLNESS of joy!  Not just a little!  Real . Joy . Now!

I’ve realized we can’t wait for perfect circumstances before JOY can exist–it CAN exist in any “weather”–at any time–because of Who gives and creates that  joy!  Joy is not a destination—it’s what we experience along the troubled journey of life–because of the LORD!–when He is beside us–because we are in His presence–with Him!

True fullness of JOY cannot be found anywhere else…than in His presence!


Psalm 16:11
You will show me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy ;
At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.



Let the Hearts of Those Rejoice Who Seek the LORD


1 Chronicles 16:8-12


Oh, give thanks to the LORD!

Call upon His name;

Make known His deeds among the peoples!


Sing to Him, sing psalms to Him;

Talk of all His wondrous works!


Glory in His holy name;

Let the hearts of those rejoice who seek the LORD!


Seek the LORD and His strength;

Seek His face evermore!


Remember His marvelous works which He has done,

His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth…


I LOVE this powerful, action-packed passage that emanates JOY!

No doubt in your school days you learned about VERBS–those words that indicate the action in a sentence…the activity being accomplished.  And WOW!  Did you notice them all…did you see all of the verbs in this text?  They jump off the page!  It is teeming with action….indicating the activity and involvement we are called to in this whole joy-filled process!

Let’s look together, shall we, at the actions we are called to…


 CALL upon His name; MAKE KNOWN His deeds among the peoples!

SING TO HIM, SING psalms to Him; TALK of all His wondrous works!

GLORY IN HIS HOLY NAME; LET the hearts of those REJOICE who SEEK the LORD!

SEEK the LORD and His strength; SEEK His face evermore!

REMEMBER His marvelous works which He has done, His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth…

What do you think?  Thanking…calling on or praying….sharing…singing / praising / glorifying…seeking…remembering!

There’s extreme power in actively engaging our hearts and minds to FOCUS ON THE LORD in this journey toward joy…and when we choose to be giving thanks to the LORD; calling upon Him; making known His deeds to others; singing to Him; talking of and glorying in His holy name; choosing to let ourselves truly rejoice in the LORD; seeking Him; and remembering His marvelous works…


…those thoughts and actions create a type of auto-correct in the soul, shifting and centering our hearts away from our challenges and helping us to focus on the beautiful, mighty One Who loves us so deeply…Who cares more than any other possibly can…truly!

And when our thoughts are centred on Him…that’s when it happens…that’s when we are filled up with unspeakable joy!

And did you notice that from this text, the joy-filled journey begins with THANKSGIVING to the LORD…and concludes with REMEMBERING His marvelous works which He has done, His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth.  We can do that!


….do you want to embrace true joy?!

It’s ours for the taking…and the simple truth is that we just need to choose to activate those verbs, toward the LORD, in our lives…which will change or enhance our view points, attitudes and centre of focus…and then we need to be prepared…to gather the joy in!

Because when we SEEK THE LORD…and He’s in the centre of our hearts…JOY is guaranteed!



P.S.  Much THANKS for this photo of the grand Niagara River and gorge, from guest-photographer Joel Hains!



Let Those Who LOVE Your Name be JOYFUL in YOU


Psalm 5:11-12


But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You;

Let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them;

Let those also who love Your name

Be joyful in You.

For You, O LORD, will bless the righteous;

With favor You will surround him as with a shield.



Would you say that you’d like more JOY in your life?…in fact, that you’d LOVE! more JOY?!

We look to a lot of things to fill us up with joy.

As you think of your life…what are some of the things that bring you joy?  That you are really thankful for?  Pure…true pleasures: like the laughter of a child…the sparkle of the sun on the water…a walk in the fallen leaves…a true and faithful friend…someone to love…I’m guessing your list would be surprisingly full, if given some time to think about it!

And we should never, ever take any of these good things for granted!

But joy can be so much more than a happy response to something temporary or physical.

Please consider the Bible text above.

What did you see listed there that brings real JOY!?

Did you notice?  There are two things noted:

Firstly, “let all those rejoice who put their trust in You”.

To rejoice, in this text, means to brighten up; be blithe or gleesome.  Don’t you love that?!  You can almost feel that definition!  And who is this blithesome blessing for?  For those who put their trust in the LORD!  That’s when the JOY arrives!  Have you considered that?  And tried that?

But why would that be?

To understand this principle better, let’s consider the word trust in this text—it’s fascinating: it means to flee for protection; and figuratively, to confide in. Oh—how we need to do that—and not only need to—but are invited to trust in the LORD in this way…running to Him for safety, security, protection and council because…He is the only One Who can provide what is needed…at all times…in every dark and difficult circumstance of life!  Everything around us may be threatened or slipping!  But God wants to defend us!

We . can . TRUST . Him!  Completely! 

And that truth—more solid than the greatest of mountains…is what gives us much reason for rejoicing!  God’s got it—if we obey Him, and let Him be in control of our lives!

The psalmist says to the LORD,Let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them”

Do you rejoice in that!?


Did you find the second reason in the above Bible text for real JOY?  Here it is:

Let those also who love Your name

Be joyful in You.

For You, O LORD, will bless the righteous;

With favor You will surround him as with a shield.

Real and powerful, exulting and living JOY comes to those who LOVE the LORD!…and in that place, He blesses and surrounds and shields the righteous…with favor!  Oh, so amazing!

True reasons for exulting joy!  And real reasons to search our hearts…do we love the LORD?…truly, obediently LOVE Him?  There are so many reasons to do so!…

Your joy is just waiting!  It’s yours to receive…if you will!



Your Thoughts Toward Us Cannot Be Recounted


May I ask you a personal question?

If you were to think back in your memory to the one experience…the one moment…when you felt the very most cherished…

what would it be?

If you consider that moment, it’s of such extreme significance because you were made to feel cherished…because someone enveloped you in such love or kindness or goodness…making you know that without a doubtYOU were extremely important and special to them!

Remembering that moment, you can feel the warmth of it again, can’t you?  It’s a precious memory, whether springing from a simple kindness, or something more complex.  And it’s a REAL and BEAUTIFUL and MEANINGFUL memory that brings you MUCH JOY upon reflection.  JOY!  And more JOY!

Because you were cherished by someone!

Now, when you contemplate the following words from Psalm 40, treasuring the truths found there….understanding that to the Lord, His children are so cherished…He lavishes wonderful—and innumerable—thoughts upon them…and unfailing love…all because to Him, they are precious!!  Cherished and precious!!

Imagine…the God in heaven cherishing us, even though we’ve sinned against Him…disappointed Him, maybe even rebelling against His tender love.  Yet when we turn our hearts to Him and seek Him in obedience, truly…His love is ever-present…and waiting …just….for…us!!


Could there ever be a greater cause for deep, soul-filling, radiating, and lasting JOY?!       JOY and more JOY!!  NO–never!

YOU are invited to embrace and experience that JOY deep in your spirit!

PLEASE…seek Him…determine to follow and obey Himand enjoy your life….holding that JOY in your heart…assured that to the awesome CreatorYOU are cherished!!


Psalm 40:5

Many, O LORD my God, are Your wonderful works

Which You have done;

And Your thoughts toward us

Cannot be recounted to You in order;

If I would declare and speak of them,

They are more than can be numbered.



P.S.  Do you seek this hungry-soul-quenching real and lasting JOY?  If you’d like to communicate about this, or delve into the Bible further, please feel welcome to contact me, using the “CONTACT” button at the top of this page.  The Lord’s word is where this joy-filled journey all begins!


He Has Put a New Song in My Mouth


Psalm 40:1-3


I waited patiently for the LORD;

And He inclined to me,

And heard my cry.


Can you just picture this?

In this text, we see the awesome LORD—hearing the pitiful plea of His faithful child crying out to Him—and inclining toward him or her, He reaches down to to listen!

The word picture continues to unfold in a most beautiful way!

He also brought me up out of a horrible pit,

Out of the miry clay,

And set my feet upon a rock,

And established my steps.


He has put a new song in my mouth —

Praise to our God;

Many will see it and fear,

And will trust in the LORD.


DO YOU FIND that this passage really resonates with you?

At some time, have you ever found yourself in a “horrible pit”—a really wretched situation–one where you’ve just exhausted all of your own possibilities for solutions…and had no way out—no rescue—no help—no solution—no comfort–just hopelessness…..if it were not for the loving help of the almighty and wonderful LORD?!!

If you haven’t already experienced this—you likely will–because horrible pits are a part of life.   Whether it be financial stress, or relationship strains, or maybe a health or job crisis—where the whole situation is completely….and totally…. out-of-your-hands, it happens!

So…when there’s just nothing else we can personally do to achieve what we need–and then—then—we choose to turn to the LORD—pleading for His intervention—and leaning on Him in expectation and faith—in His amazing graciousness—He offwes His CARE!  To His children HE LISTENS!  HE ANSWERS!  And HE PROVIDES what is BEST!

And we are overwhelmed—completely blown away by His LOVE!

This amazing gift of deliverance is for His children!

Please notice Galatians 3:26-27; 29:

For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.  For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.  And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”

When we choose to be adopted, and obedient children of the KING, then we are given overwhelming LOVE, CARE and MERCIFUL KINDNESS!!  And the result?  Overwhelming JOY!!

True JOY!!

As the text above reads, “He has put a new song in my mouth”!

Absolutely!  If you’ve experienced this, you’ll likely have a hard time not smiling and feeling warmth spreading in your heart as you meditate on, and remember God’s gracious goodness and kindness…to you!

It’s no wonder such loving kindness puts a new song in our mouths!

Please remember that such JOY comes after the hardship!

And after we cry out to God, after the faithful expectation.

Such intense JOY doesn’t result from cloudless and carefree days…NO!….instead, it comes on the other side of fierce storms, when shaken, shivering, wretched, drenched, and narrowly escaping, we’ve been RESCUED—RESCUED!—by the awesome God!  And we can’t help but PRAISE HIM!

And our TRUE, DEEP JOY in response to His goodness gives others cause to fear and trust this wonderful God, too, Who longs to adopt and protect each desperate, storm-tossed, and penitent soul!

Will we cry out to Him?

Will we allow Him to be our rescuer!…and to place our feet upon the rock!—standing in victory!—confident in the Saviour!–with a new song of JOY and praise in our hearts?!



p.s.  Do you have a memory of God’s gift of joy in your own life?  What caused it?  I’d love to hear!  Please just click on “comment” below to share your thoughts!


May the God of Hope Fill You with All JOY and PEACE


What a description for the truly awesome God: the GOD OF HOPE!

That He is!  And far, far more than we can ever imagine!

Among all the vast kindnesses that He offers to the children of men, we find that God also wants to lavish us–FILLING our hearts–with JOY and PEACE!…gifts offered to those who BELIEVE–to those who TRUST in HIM!

Amazing!  And thought-provoking!

Because we have to ask…if we may be lacking in JOY and PEACE….does that mean we may be forgetting to TRUST IN HIM?!

TRUST produces HOPE…and JOY…and PEACE!!

We all long for those, as nourishment to our souls!  TRUST in the awesome God of HOPE is where it all begins!

If you are interested in taking a look, here is a simple break-down of this passage–with some significant definitions from the original language–to help us better grasp and appreciate the depth of its meaning! (Defined in Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance)

Romans 15: 13-14

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

“Now may the God of…

…HOPE:—to anticipate, usually with pleasure; expectation or confidence

…FILL:—to make replete, i.e. literally to cram (a net), level up (a hollow), or figuratively to furnish or imbue, diffuse, influence, satisfy, finish (a period or task), verify, etc.

…you with…

…ALL: all, any, every, the whole

…JOY: cheerfulness, i.e. calm delight

…and PEACE: peace, quietness, rest

…in BELIEVING: to have faith in, upon, or with respect to, a person or thing, i.e. credit; by implication, to entrust (especially one’s spiritual well-being to Christ)

…that you may ABOUND: to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous

…in HOPE: to anticipate, usually with pleasure; expectation or confidence

…by the POWER: force (literally or figuratively); specially, miraculous power

…of the Holy Spirit.

WOW!  There’s so much in this text–such reason for REJOICING and HOPE–built on the foundation of TRUST in the awesome God of HOPE!

Will . you . TRUST . HIM . and . discover . HOPE . and . JOY?



p.s.  After an extended illness, it’s good to be back and well enough to be writing again…thank you for your patience while the blog was quiet…and thank you for your prayers!

God is Love

God is Love!IMG_3238

Woven together, the components of our lives are very much like this collage…separate and individual events, experiences, memories and traits all come together to make up who we are….


…but sometimes….

well, sometimes…our lives are really just a mess…

…and in that state, it can be more difficult to see value or truth or beauty or purpose…or promise…we just see the mess…

…and if we’re honest with ourselves, that mess can be disheartening at times!


So–I thought I’d show you my work table–before this collage all came together…

It’s not so pretty, is it?


The smeared mess of paints in my paintbox…the chipped handle of the paintbrush….seemingly disparate, disconnected strips of paper…spattered paint…

Yet, each of these had a very important–even vital role that they filled–well…that only they could fill…and a purpose in the whole project…even though they were a mess initially!

But all of these messy components have something in common…something that was revealed when the collage was finally assembled…

Can you guess what the common element is–tying all of these components together?  You might want to scroll back up to the first picture to catch a clue….

Central to the collage is this theme from 1 John 4:7-16: GOD is LOVE!


Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. 8 He who does not love does not know God, for God is love . 9 In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. 10 In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

12 No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us. 13 By this we know that we abide in Him, and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit. 14 And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son as Savior of the world. 15 Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God. 16 And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love , and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.


It is so true!

“GOD is LOVE” is the bridge that pulls all the separate components–and all the painted strips of paper, together–in the collage…(did you find it?)…and much, much more importantly, in our lives!

IMG_3231 (2)



His love spans the gapsbrings beauty where there was only chaos…and gives purpose, completely!  His love leads us to trust and obey Him!  It’s so safe to do so!

And the blessed result of trusting and obeying Him brings hope and peace! It’s beautiful!

Just like in the collage!

His love can completely overcome the messes in our lives.  If we’ll submit our hearts to Him, He can make something beautiful with us!  Truly!

Will you let Him?

Something to think about!

If you have comments or questions, I’d love to hear from you!

You can send me a message by clicking on “CONTACT” at the top of this page.

I’ve included some Bible passages for you, if you are interested in reading further about how God can make beauty in our lives:

John 15:13-14; Romans 5:8-11; Galatians 3:26-27





If you’d enjoy making a collage of your very own, it’s really quite simple to do!

Completely wet a piece of watercolour paper with water, and then randomly drop 2 or 3 colours of paint onto the page.  When the paper is wet, the water encourages the colours to run together, creating a pretty effect!  You can tilt the page to aid the process, if you like. (Below are a couple samples…on the second one, to add interest and texture, I pressed a circular object into the painting  while the paint was still wet. You can enjoy experimenting.)

Once the paper is dry, simply cut it into strips …weave them together into a pleasing pattern, glue down onto card stock, and then choose some favourite Bible passages or phrases to set into your collage….then mat, frame and enjoy!  Ta da!

Beauty from all of the mess and chaos!  And that’s just what God’s love specializes in, in our lives…if we’ll let Him!
