He Has Put a New Song in My Mouth


Psalm 40:1-3


I waited patiently for the LORD;

And He inclined to me,

And heard my cry.


Can you just picture this?

In this text, we see the awesome LORD—hearing the pitiful plea of His faithful child crying out to Him—and inclining toward him or her, He reaches down to to listen!

The word picture continues to unfold in a most beautiful way!

He also brought me up out of a horrible pit,

Out of the miry clay,

And set my feet upon a rock,

And established my steps.


He has put a new song in my mouth —

Praise to our God;

Many will see it and fear,

And will trust in the LORD.


DO YOU FIND that this passage really resonates with you?

At some time, have you ever found yourself in a “horrible pit”—a really wretched situation–one where you’ve just exhausted all of your own possibilities for solutions…and had no way out—no rescue—no help—no solution—no comfort–just hopelessness…..if it were not for the loving help of the almighty and wonderful LORD?!!

If you haven’t already experienced this—you likely will–because horrible pits are a part of life.   Whether it be financial stress, or relationship strains, or maybe a health or job crisis—where the whole situation is completely….and totally…. out-of-your-hands, it happens!

So…when there’s just nothing else we can personally do to achieve what we need–and then—then—we choose to turn to the LORD—pleading for His intervention—and leaning on Him in expectation and faith—in His amazing graciousness—He offwes His CARE!  To His children HE LISTENS!  HE ANSWERS!  And HE PROVIDES what is BEST!

And we are overwhelmed—completely blown away by His LOVE!

This amazing gift of deliverance is for His children!

Please notice Galatians 3:26-27; 29:

For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.  For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.  And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”

When we choose to be adopted, and obedient children of the KING, then we are given overwhelming LOVE, CARE and MERCIFUL KINDNESS!!  And the result?  Overwhelming JOY!!

True JOY!!

As the text above reads, “He has put a new song in my mouth”!

Absolutely!  If you’ve experienced this, you’ll likely have a hard time not smiling and feeling warmth spreading in your heart as you meditate on, and remember God’s gracious goodness and kindness…to you!

It’s no wonder such loving kindness puts a new song in our mouths!

Please remember that such JOY comes after the hardship!

And after we cry out to God, after the faithful expectation.

Such intense JOY doesn’t result from cloudless and carefree days…NO!….instead, it comes on the other side of fierce storms, when shaken, shivering, wretched, drenched, and narrowly escaping, we’ve been RESCUED—RESCUED!—by the awesome God!  And we can’t help but PRAISE HIM!

And our TRUE, DEEP JOY in response to His goodness gives others cause to fear and trust this wonderful God, too, Who longs to adopt and protect each desperate, storm-tossed, and penitent soul!

Will we cry out to Him?

Will we allow Him to be our rescuer!…and to place our feet upon the rock!—standing in victory!—confident in the Saviour!–with a new song of JOY and praise in our hearts?!



p.s.  Do you have a memory of God’s gift of joy in your own life?  What caused it?  I’d love to hear!  Please just click on “comment” below to share your thoughts!


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